Andaman Discoveries Blog
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Japan Tsunami Support from the children of Ban Talae Nok
This video from the children of Ban Talae Nok, who suffered from Thailand's devastating tsunami in 2004, is dedicated to the tsunami affected children in Japan.
Keep up the good fight!
“Thanks for putting up the video clip for Japan from Ban Talae Nok youth group. It is great, and I sent it to my sister who stays in Japan to help the children in the affected area with her husband. I will be joining them end of this month.” - Mayumi
Labels: Ban Talae Nok, tsunami
Experience of new member of staff Nicole
Dear all,
Let me introduce myself, my name is Nicole, new member of staff for 6 months at Andaman Discoveries. I have been here for four weeks now, and I already feel at home.
Then after a long flight and three wonderful days of acclimatizing, Karen picked me up from the Nai Yang Beach resort. On our way to Kuraburi, we had to stop by one of the projects of AD, this project is wonderful were the owners raise the kids as their own and I felt a warm feeling of happiness run trough me, this organization really stands up for the community!
When I arrived in Kuraburi, Thailand the staff opened their arms to let me in and unfortunately at the same time Guillem, an Member of staff since September, was leaving to go back to his hometown Barcelona.
On the 31st of March Lilia came to Kuraburi and will stay with us until October!
Now, four weeks later, I feel on my place in the office and my Thai is improving every day!
Labels: Internship CBT
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Congratulations to Nok !
One of the 129 students in our schorlaship program has been graduated. We are so proud of her.

"I thank you. You have given scholarship for me to study the undergraduate degree. Now I graduated, because the scholarship you have given to me makes me successful in a bachelor's degree. I wish you a happy life and good health. Thank you very much for everything given to my family. I will remember the good things, and in the future I will be a model for others in my life."
Andaman Discoveries scholarships provide financial support for underprivileged children in the region like Nok, allowing them to complete high school and hopefully more. The scholarship helps offset expenses like school uniforms, transportation to school, extra books, and extra tuition for classes like computer studies.
Students who receive scholarships come from a wide range of communities within the North Andaman region, including the twelve tsunami-affected villages Andaman Discoveries originally worked with.
Labels: scholarship
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