Andaman Discoveries Blog

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Children’s Day at Kuraburi pier, by Jeanine

Notes from a volunteer,

On Saturday me and two other volunteers were invited to attend ‘Children’s Day’ Celebrations at Kuraburi Pier; we teach at the local Burmese learning center when volunteering with Andaman Discoveries. I am lucky enough to have had this experience 18 months ago when I first volunteered and having enjoyed it so much I have just returned for a second stint and what a way to begin with children’s day!
When we arrived at the school, which is harder to find now as it is more surrounded by extra housing, we were greeted by the girls all dressed up in their amazing pink sequenced dancing costumes. After our initial greeting with the pupils and the teachers we all walked across the road in a small procession to an area the local Marine Police had set up to run the activities. They had organized many games for the children to play including tug of war for the boys, and carrying various items from one end of the stage to the other using chopsticks, there were also blind fold games for the children and much fun was had. Rewards were given at the end which included snacks, fruits and drinks, fruit is not normally part of their everyday diet, but was donated by Andaman Discoveries. The children obviously enjoyed the events if those big smiley faces were anything to go by. The day was honored by the presence of the head of Kuraburi’s local government Mr Surat Akaravirotkul who gave a speech and presented the children with prizes. The day ended with a very polished entertaining and modern dance performance by the Burmese girls which ended with much applause and a special gift for each.
This day was all about the children and it was obviously a very special and enjoyable time for them, and so nice to see all the children of the area, all races and religions sharing in such a happy, fun and festive occasion.

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